The NIST beamlines at NSLS II
The Synchrotron Science group is part of the Materials Measurement Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Group leader Dr. Daniel A. Fischer. The Synchrotron Science Group […]
The NIST XPS microscope
The NIST XPS microscope at NSLS II is for the elemental and chemical analysis of engineering materials at the meso-scale (10-1000 nm)
The electron energy analyzer on the microscope is a concentric hemispherical analyzer (CHA). The CHA we are using is not standard, and has two apertures right through the instrument to […]
A critical development in the creation of a new VPPEM instrument has been the design and manufacture in-house of a mini superconducting magnet. This is a fully shielded 2.0 Tesla […]
The proof-of-principle VPPEM instrument was at NSLS beamline U4A. The description of the instrument can be found at Proof-of-principle instrument